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Showing posts from May, 2023

Do you know how to fetch Oracle Cloud HCM Payroll Run Results using SQL

In this session we are going to see how to fetch Oracle Cloud HCM Payroll Run Results using SQL. SQL Text: with people_tbl_vw as ( select person_id , person_number from per_all_people_f papf where 1 = 1 and sysdate between papf . effective_start_date and papf . effective_end_date and ( coalesce ( null ,: p_pers_num ) is null or papf . person_id in (: p_pers_num )) ) , pay_period_tbl_vw as ( select ptp . time_period_id , ptp . payroll_id , ptp . end_date , ptp . regular_earn_date from pay_time_periods ptp where 1 = 1 and ( ptp . end_date between : p_st_dt and : p_ed_dt or ptp . start_date between : p_st_dt and : p_ed_dt ) ) , pay_bal_tbl_vw1 as ( select papf . person_number , trim ( replace ( replace ( replace ( pet . element_name , 'Earnings' , '' ), 'Results' , '' ), 'Result' , '' )) element_name , pecv . classification...