In this session we are going to see how to fetch Oracle Cloud HCM Payroll Run Results using SQL. SQL Text: with people_tbl_vw as ( select person_id , person_number from per_all_people_f papf where 1 = 1 and sysdate between papf . effective_start_date and papf . effective_end_date and ( coalesce ( null ,: p_pers_num ) is null or papf . person_id in (: p_pers_num )) ) , pay_period_tbl_vw as ( select ptp . time_period_id , ptp . payroll_id , ptp . end_date , ptp . regular_earn_date from pay_time_periods ptp where 1 = 1 and ( ptp . end_date between : p_st_dt and : p_ed_dt or ptp . start_date between : p_st_dt and : p_ed_dt ) ) , pay_bal_tbl_vw1 as ( select papf . person_number , trim ( replace ( replace ( replace ( pet . element_name , 'Earnings' , '' ), 'Results' , '' ), 'Result' , '' )) element_name , pecv . classification...