In this session, we are going to see how to fetch Oracle Cloud Performance data using SQL. SQL Text: select he . evaluation_id ,( select distinct person_number from per_all_people_f papf where papf . person_id = he . worker_id ) pers_nbr , he . manager_id , he . assignment_id , her . role_type_code , to_char ( step_completion_date , 'mm/dd/yyyy' ) step_completion_date , step_code , per_extract_utility . get_decoded_lookup ( 'HRA_EVAL_STEP_STATUS' , step_status ) step_status , hrlv . rating_description , reference_type , per_extract_utility . get_decoded_lookup ( 'HRA_SECTION_TYPE' , section_type_code ) section_type , hrlv . rating_level_code , hciv . name profile_item from hra_evaluations he , hra_eval_sections hes , hra_eval_ratings her , hra_eval_participants hep , hra_eval_steps hest , hrt_rating_levels_vl hrlv ...