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Do you know how to fetch Oracle Cloud Time Card Status using SQL

In this session we are going to see how to fetch Oracle Cloud Time Card Status using SQL   select papf . person_number , ppnf . full_name , per_extract_utility . get_decoded_lookup ( 'HWM_UI_STATUS' , hts . status_value ) status , to_char ( thdr . start_time_trunc , 'fmmm/dd/yyyy' ) || ' - ' || to_char ( thdr . stop_time_trunc , 'fmmm/dd/yyyy' ) week ,( select sum ( trec . measure ) from hwm_tm_rec trec where 1 = 1 and trec . delete_flag is null and trec . latest_version = 'Y' and (( trec . orig_tm_rec_id is null ) or ( trec . orig_tm_rec_id = trec . tm_rec_id )) and (( trec . orig_tm_rec_version is null ) or ( trec . orig_tm_rec_version = trec . tm_rec_version )) and trec . resource_id = papf . person_id and trunc ( trec . actual_date ) between thdr . start_time_trunc