In this session we are going to see how to fetch Oracle Cloud Time Card Status using SQL select papf . person_number , ppnf . full_name , per_extract_utility . get_decoded_lookup ( 'HWM_UI_STATUS' , hts . status_value ) status , to_char ( thdr . start_time_trunc , 'fmmm/dd/yyyy' ) || ' - ' || to_char ( thdr . stop_time_trunc , 'fmmm/dd/yyyy' ) week ,( select sum ( trec . measure ) from hwm_tm_rec trec where 1 = 1 and trec . delete_flag is null and trec . latest_version = 'Y' and (( trec . orig_tm_rec_id is null ) or ( trec . orig_tm_rec_id = trec . tm_rec_id )) and (( trec . orig_tm_rec_version is null ) or ( trec . orig_tm_rec_version = trec . tm_rec_version )) and trec . resource_id = papf . person_id and trunc ( trec . actual_date ) between thdr . start_time_trunc...